November 12, 2019

On Veterans Day, Hicks Thomas Lawyer, Marine Vet Talks to Students about Service

By Hicks Thomas LLP

Before he was a lawyer, Hicks Thomas partner John Deis was a Marine Captain. And on Veterans Day, he was invited to speak to middle school students in suburban Houston’s Spring Branch ISD.

Veterans Day is not just for honoring those who died in military service, but also to honor the living, Mr. Deis told the students.

“I hope you take the time to thank these amazing veterans for their service, to honor the sacrifice they made,” he said. “And please remember, not only those who didn’t make it back, but also those who still haven’t healed and need your help.”

Mr. Deis spoke at Memorial Middle School where his son is an eighth-grader. The school put on a full program for the students to more fully understand the significance and purpose of Veterans Day. The Boy Scout troop Mr. Deis leads assisted.

“Many veterans have sailed into harm’s way and seen firsthand the heroic sacrifice of those who gave their lives for their country. They’ve seen the greatest and most awful aspects of the human spirit,” he said. “They came back changed, and for most, it was with a greater sense of patriotism, maturity, discipline, sense of commitment and friendships that last a lifetime.”

Mr. Deis served in the U.S. Marine Corps from 1993-1997 as an Air Defense Officer and also spent four years in the Reserves. He credits his military experience with making him a better lawyer.

To schedule an appointment with Attorney Deis, contact Hick Thomas LLP today.

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